How to make a simple project in Scratch

Picture of Scratch.

Hi everyone,Today I am gonna show you how to make a simple project in Scratch. Let us click "Create".
                                       After clicking "Create" you will see this👇
After clicking Create.

Now click"Events" after that drag "when flag clicked" to the Coding area.

    "when flag clicked" means when you click the flag all the things which you plan to happen is happening.
Now go to "Motion".Drag "move 10 steps" to coding area.

"Move 10 steps"-The sprite will move 10 steps.You can change it to any number .Let us keep as 10.

Now click the green flag and see what happens!Let us make it more interesting and fun to watch!!

Now go to "Control" and put a "forever loop" in the "move 10 steps".

"Forever loop" - If you put a forever loop in your project.It will go on forever and forever.

Now go to "Motion" again and find "if on edge,bounce" and drag it to the coding area and put it also to the forever loop.

"If on edge,bounce"-If the character (sprite) is on the edge.The sprite will bounce.

Now try your project.Click the green flag. Now let us do the last step. We need to put a sound to the sprite.

Go to"Sound".Drag the "Play sound Meow until done". Put it last in the forever loop.

Now Let us save the project. Look at this👇👇.

Click "Save Now".If you do not have that button it is OK because that means your project is saved.

I have shown you a place to name your project.Click there and name it .

Now go to "See project page".Then you  can write the instructions in the given place👇and write your name in Notes and Credits.👇.

Make sure to give yourself a like and a star(favourite)
Now Share your wonderful creations to the whole world!🌎.

Here is the  one I made.I think your one is the same.If it is Well done!

My project.👇👇👇👇👇

Do you like my project??

This is the one I made.If you have any problems  comment here. Bye✋✋.Stay Safe.
